Importing Different File types
- Excel File
- Comma separated Files (CSV)
Importing Files using PROC IMPORT
Proc import procedure step can be used to import an external file of different file types
proc import datafile =“ External file path “ out= <dataset name>
dbms= <file type> replace;
delimiter= “special character” ; getnames= <yes/no> ;
datarow= n ;
- ‘External file path’ is the path of the external file to import
- ‘Out=‘ specifies the dataset to be created using the imported file
- ‘dbms’ specifies the file type to be imported or ‘dlm’ if delimited files are imported
- ‘replace’ replaces already existing files
- ‘getnames=yes’ tells SAS to read the variable names from the first line of the data file
- ‘delimiter=‘ specifies the delimiter in the external file. It is specified only when the ‘dbms= dlm’ is specified
- ‘datarow =n’ specifies the row from which the data has to read from the external file.
- Where, n is a number
Importing a comma separated file (.csv) :
Example 1:
Comma separated file is a special external file with file extension .csv (comma separated
proc import datafile="comma.csv" out= mydata dbms=csv replace;
- A comma separated file called ‘comma.csv’ is imported
- A new dataset called ‘mydata’ is created
- ‘getnames=no’ indicates that the first row in the file is not variable names
- ‘replace’ indicated SAS to replace the existing file mydata
Example 2:
Another way of reading a comma delimited file is to consider a comma as an ordinary delimiter
Here is a program that shows how to use the dbms=dlm and delimiter=","
proc import datafile="comma1.txt" out=mydata dbms=dlm replace;
Delimiter =",” ;
Getnames =yes ;
Datarow =5 ;
Run ;
- ‘comma1.txt’ is a comma separated text file whose variable values are separated by commas
- ‘dbms=dlm’ indicates that comma1.txt is a delimiter file
- ‘delimiter=“,” ‘ indicates the delimiter as “,”
- ‘Datarow=5’ tell SAS to read data from the 5th row
Import from Tab- Delimitated files (TXT File):
proc import datafile ="tab.txt" out=mydata dbms=tab replace ;
getnames=no ;
Run ;
- ‘tab.txt’ is a tab separated text file
- ‘dbms=tab’ indicates tab.txt as tab separated file